Best Flies for Brown Trout – Fill your Fly Box up with the Best What you put in your fly box will decide how many trout you catch. Keep reading to discover the different types of insect life there is for a trout to feed on and the different stages of their lifecycles so you
When going to fly fish for the first time what flies should you take with you? This is a question I was asked frequently while working in the tackle shop and I think it is worth answering here. Trout have many variations around the world and each has its own set of flies that work
What is matching the hatch? If you are new to fly fishing you may be unaware of the insects that fish eat along the rivers and lakes. Each season of the year produces new species of insect that the trout have become used to and will feed upon when they are in season. As new
OK if you have read my last post on matching the hatch techniques you may have wondered what happens when I have tried every fly in the box that looks close to the insects hatching but I am still not getting any takes. Well then that is when you change tactics and try un matching