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Un Matching the Hatch Techniques – How to Catch more Trout

OK if you have read my last post on matching the hatch techniques you may have wondered what happens when I have tried every fly in the box that looks close to the insects hatching but I am still not getting any takes. Well then that is when you change tactics and try un matching the hatch techniques.

Larvae - Un Matching the Hatch TechniquesLarvae Fly - Un Matching the Hatch Techniques

When you are an accomplished angler you will have an array of items with you when fishing that cover all sorts of situations and in that arsenal, you will probably have different types of tippet or leader materials and you will be considering changing line colors. You may try floating your flies with floatants or trying to sink them further with different poly leaders and trying to get that all illusive trout to take your fly. It is times like this when you have gone through your usual changes that you are thinking it’s time to pack up and go home.  However, rather than doing that there is one more thing to try.

So what is un matching the hatch techniques?

Just as before when we tried to match the hatch as closely as possible, this is when we now try to go the other direction and get something completely opposite to the hatching insects. This sounds easy but a bit of thought is required. You have a few things to consider the color, the size and the shape of the insect that is hatching. All these things need to be reversed or changed considerably to invoke a response from the trout.

For example, the insect hatching is a very small black midge fly, you may want to try something a lot larger and lighter in color or even try fluorescent colours which are worth a go to help get the trout’s attention.   You can fish this fly singly or in a team of two or three flies. You can also try the other flies as close to the hatch as possible as before with the last flight on the leader your new un-matched fly. The trout will have seen your close approximations swimming past them and ignored them but then your exaggerated fly passes by them they are inclined to take a closer look and it is then that they may take the fly.  As with all fishing techniques, there is no exact process for this you just need to try to learn how trout react to certain color and sizes when there is a hatch on that you can’t get a bite with when matching the hatch.

What about the fly movement?

Another thing to think about is retrieving type. You need to study the movement of the hatching insects and try to exaggerate the movement of the fly as much as possible away for the natural movement of the fly.  You could be in the middle of a buzzer hatch and the water is still and the buzzers are coming to the surface slowly and getting sucked up by the trout very easily. You have tried to mimic the buzzer in size, color and speed of movement but you have not received any takes.

Yellow_Muddler_Fly - Un Matching the Hatch TechniquesLarvae Hatching - Un Matching the Hatch Techniques

It’s now time to try the reverse and put on a large green or yellow fly that floats on the top with a bit of a wake when retrieved. This should encourage the trout to take notice and start to follow the retrieve. If they do take notice but still not taking try changing the retrieve by making it faster or staggered. Hopefully, you can come up with the correct response from the trout and induce a take.  If the floating option is not working put on a gold head lure and sink it down to the bottom and retrieve it through the feeding trout.

I have stripped flies across a pool as fast as I physically could when nothing was happening and have taken trout when my fishing buddies were still trying to match the hatch. It has saved me a few blank days when nothing seemed to be working and it can do the same for you.

The secret to this technique is that there is no secret you just have to think outside the box and try something different.  Hopefully, you too can be successful un matching the hatch.

There is nothing more exhilerating to me that watching trout feed and not getting takes to try something completely differnet to see trout swim after my fly and turn away till I come up with the correct approach and the line tightens. All that hard work pays off in the end.

Any comments or queries leave a note below, thanks for reading.


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