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Cyberfishing Smart Fishing Rod Sensor Review – To Embrace Technology or Not To?

Most people think technological improvement, advancements, and innovations only exist in the communication, entertainment, and transport sectors. They fail because of ignorance. We see dumbfounding creations in the angling field that still baffle us.

Cyberfishing Inc. did it this time with their Cyberfishing Smart Fishing Rod Sensor. The manufacturer combines an ultra-lightweight rod sensor and a smartphone application so that any angler can take records of all data from their fishing excursions and make bigger catches often. Launching this smart sensor ushers the sphere’s much-loved pastime into modernity. If you’ve never thought about a rod being smarter, Cyberfishing brings this to reality.

Sage, Caddis, Frogg Toggs, Orvis, Simms, and Redington must be music to your ears. You should start embracing the good tunes from Cyberfishing. The brand is making greater waves already in the fly fishing industry. It was an honoree in the 2019 CES innovation awards. This annual program celebrates amazing designs across 28 product sections. This year, it took the crown in the category of Wearable Technologies.

This is sure to say that it is here to make a total change to the face of fly fishing. Still at it, just a few weeks after its launch, it won the best new product under the Electronics Category at the ever prestigious 2019 China Fish show that was held in Beijing. China is a common name in the global centers for the manufacture of fishing tackle. This year’s electronic category was fiercely contested and for Cyberfishing to scoop the award, it has premium quality and the best of features.

Cyberfishing sensor icast ces winner 2019

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The rod sensor was among the listed products in the ICAST 2019 under Electronics and the Fishing Accessories categories. It didn’t make it to the winning point but having to feature is still a great deal. It isn’t a loss to the company since it shone in the 2019 EFFTEX awards under the electronic and application technology section. Enough of the praise and let us understand the product briefly before we can sample it inside out.

Do you know how light 9 grams is? Very light and its insignificance doesn’t have weight effect on your fly rod. The smart rod sensor attaches to your rod using high-quality heavy-duty rubber bands.

The ‘Smart’ idea may leave others thinking that it is complicated in the inside. No, it has rechargeable batteries, an accelerometer, and Bluetooth for allowing connection to your smartphone. We have seen aspects like dexterity, confidence, and flexibility being crucial when on water. Cyberfishing adds focus to the list.

As you fix your mind on throwing your loops, the sensor keeps track of your location, weather conditions, the number of casts, and strikes. You will have nothing to worry about humidity and water since the sensor is highly waterproof.

Counting and saving every cast seems useless, but you don’t know what difference the data results can make to your angling life. You will have all the relevant information that will make your next trip better. Cyberfishing on their site breaks down the sensor’s simplicity into three sections: attach, catch, and match. Attach is the simple setting section where you use the bands to tie the sensor to the rod.

As you catch, enjoy every cast and let the rod do what it has to do during your session. Once you catch your day’s trophy, save your location with a click. For match, the application does this for you by placing your casts alongside your catches and you will know which spot to favorite.

Browse below to know more about the application and technical features of the Smart Fishing Cyberfishing Rod Sensor:

App Features and Technical Information of the Cyberfishing Smart Fishing Rod Sensor

Counting Casts – The application captures every cast you make, whether long or short. This is automatic and keeps it for assessment.

Locating Catches – With a touch of a button, you can save the locations and spots where you had the most successful catches so you can favorite them for your next trips.

Tracking Weather Conditions – It records all the surrounding weather conditions including precipitation, ambient temperatures, wind direction, pressure, and wind speed.

Saving History – All your fishing data is stored in the application and device’s database for quick access and reference when you need to check out or make any confirmations.

Marking Spots – The app creates a map of your fishing points and lets you see the hotspots where you were most successful.

Other recordings are of date and time when you captured your trophy, the weight, and fish species. You can create your profile using the custom Cyberfishing pages. You can be a member of the Cyberfishing community which is an online forum where you can make uploads of your data and images, share great info on your hotspots and get angling partners to go on fishing trips with.

Weight – At 9 grams, this is unspeakably light enough and has nil effects on your fishing rod’s action. Unlike heavier rod sensors like the ANGLR Labs Rod tracker and sensor which weighs a whole 273 grams, there is more to love the latter.

LED Display – The weather is dynamic, and this directly affects vision. Will you stop at that? The smart sensor has a high-grade LED Display with great clarity making it easier to read when natural light dims.

Long Life Batteries – Some anglers spend more hours on the water than others. For longer sessions, the batteries will power the sensor until you down your tool for the day or night.

Waterproof Construction – Not all smart technology devices will withstand humidity and water, hence the need for aquapacs and waterproof pouches. Cyberfishing is the real master when it comes to love for the water. The device is totally waterproof and you will worry less of wet hands and the wayward splashes.

Magnetic Charging – The device’s charger quickly and effortlessly attaches to ensure that the batteries take the required time to reach full charge. Quite a relief on your utility bills.

What is in the package?

  • 1 attachment set
  • 1 charging cable
  • 1 rod sensor


Customer Thoughts on the Cyberfishing Smart Fishing Rod Sensor

This device immediately graduates you into a pro angler on the very first use. The tracker records everything and prompts you to assess your spots and the correspondent details. There has been no better technological improvement in the fly fishing industry than this one from Cyberfishing.

Its dashboard is simple and a breeze to use. The insights are great. It didn’t take long with this gadget to discover that picky fish respond to changes in wind and barometer.

You understand the laziness of keeping your own manual logbook for fishing patterns. Worry less because everything is done or you. Yours is to pack and go.

The community aspect of it is another bonus to team angling. Having to share experience, compare data and images with anglers from different places worldwide is superb. Quite a great way to form clubs and teams for your trips.

While it shows you details you’ve been wanting to know or a long time, it is easier to use with the automated function. It is easier to make educated guesses and go as far as predicting fish habits. Can you do this without electronic help?

Did you know that with a smart rod sensor you don’t need your smartphone with you on the water? Save yourself the risk of losing your phone to the waves or humidity by purchasing this waterproof sensor from Cyberfishing


Pros – Things that shine on the Smart Fishing Cyberfishing Rod Sensor​

  • Counts all casts
  • Locates your catches
  • Tracks all weather conditions
  • Saves all data history
  • Marks your hotspots
  • Ultra-lightweight
  • Highly portable and easy to store
  • Easy to read in poor light
  • Batteries have a longer life
  • Waterproof
  • Magnetic and effortless charging
  • Available online Cyberfishing community for fishing interactions
  • Easy to use


Cons – Things that are not so cool!

  • A few months after its use, we are reading more positive reviews and this makes it interesting. So far, there have been no reports of defects in craftsmanship and material from current users and owners. We are waiting to hear more about functionality and effectiveness in relation to durability. We will give updates in case of any common cons experienced by anglers.

FAQ’s – Questions about the Smart Fishing Cyberfishing Rod Sensor

Q) Does this fly rod sensor catch the fly line or dampen the rod’s sensitivity when casting?
A) So far, there are no complaints meaning it doesn’t hinder fly rod and line functionality whatsoever.

Q) Does the device float?
A) The device floats. However, with the heavy-duty rubber bands that you use for rod and sensor attachment, you need not worry about it slipping off. More good news is that it is highly waterproof.

Q) Which devices are compatible with the Bluetooth connectivity of the sensor?
A) Until now, only Apple, iPhone, and Android versions are compatible.

Q) Does the application require location permission?
A) Yes, it needs to access the approximate location and precise location before full functionality.

Q) Is the battery removable?
A) No. Cyberfishing designs the Cyberfishing Smart Fishing Rod Sensor with an inbuilt rechargeable battery.

Q) What happens if your rod sensor displays nothing?
A) If new straight from the box, ensure that you put it to charge. Unreadability results from lack of power.

Q) Is this sensor strictly for fly fishing?
A) No, as you configure the application, you will be required to choose your type of fishing before the Cyberfishing application is ready for use.

Cyberfishing smart rod sensor


Final Verdict : Is this Smart Sensor Smarter?

Fish can turn into a finicky bunch. Any angler whether recreational or professional can attest to this. So when you make even the smallest catch, it is a good idea to keep tabs of the conditions and locations that allowed for this. So is jotting down a good idea? Sure. Is your memory good though? Will you carry your notebook on the water? What if your smartphone decides to grow fins and swim? This Cyberfishing smart sensor is it. It comes to your aid just when you need it.

The world is filled with smart technology from smartwatches, smartphones, smart toothbrushes, and other smart appliances. We increase the list with smart fishing rod sensors. This isn’t a marketing gimmick but a solid truth. The good thing about Cyberfishing is that it strives to enhance your simple fishing rod and not change or reimage it by any means.

Angling is becoming dynamic and fly fishermen and women constantly carry their phones for pictures of fish, interesting videos and tracking location. This also means that most anglers are hungrier to catch trophy fish that taking more time to identify hotspots. This manufacturer is embracing the dynamics of angling by yoking the use of phones and sensitizing the frequent returns to best spots.

If you need a natural, lightweight, and effective addition to your tackle box, this smart rod sensor is affordable and you can use on your rods of choice. Cyberfishing concludes that if you love the waters, share your love with the world. By this, the  online community exists and you don’t have to walk this angling journey alone. As an interactive platform, there is more to learn and enjoy from more

Cyberfishing Smart Fishing Rod Sensor users from all over the world. Make an order, put this little master to test and let us know how your first experience was like in our comment section. If you have used this rod severally, share with us your highs and lows. Were you smarter before this smart sensor or it just made you smart after a smart purchase?

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