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Top 12 Fly Fishing Countries in the World

Top 12 Fly Fishing Countries in the World

Times are changing, and so are the things we love.

So much has happened in the past few years, and if anything, most of us have realized the importance of living and enjoying the moment.

Anglers will tell you how much they missed their local waters, and thought their hopes of traveling to cast in new environments had been shattered after the pandemic hit and everything went almost dark.

We thank the universe now that things have gotten better!

As a fervent fly caster, I’d planned to try a few more locations outside Ireland and thought it wise to share with you some top 12 fly fishing countries in the world that you can consider for your next trip.

Today, we focus on what these countries offer, but we have individual locational posts from each coming up soon on the website.

We’d love you to look out for that, as they dive deeper into gem spots, popular waters, specific combos and gear to pack, and much more.

Top 12 Fly Fishing Countries in the World

The list below covers countries with the best fly fishing opportunities across the world.

Some offer more high-end experiences, while others are for solitude seekers.

The range is versatile and you won’t miss a place to throw a fly.

United States

America is drop-dead gorgeous!

The call of adventure brings most anglers here because of the diverse angling offerings, from the unpredictable terrain to the choice of waters.

What interests me most about the USA is that most streams and rivers are public domain.

Fly fishing in most regions of the country is all-year-round, with prospects like redfish in Texas, rainbow trout in Colorado, largemouth bass in the southern part, and smallmouth bass in the southern area, among other species.

Some popular fly fishing states to explore are New Mexico, Florida, Alaska, Colorado, Virginia, Michigan, and Montana.


Argentina is the eighth-biggest country worldwide, and is famous for its soccer, tango, and fine wine.

But the past decade has seen this location being a premium for fly fishing.

Winter in the USA means the start of summer in this country and the southern hemisphere in general.

There is no fly fishing in Argentina without mentioning Tierra del Fuego and its sea-run brownies.

Golden Dorado in the Ibera Wetlands are fascinating.

Patagonia boasts the finest trout fly fishing in the country and beyond, with species here rising to big streamers and dry flies.

Say hi to Lionel Messi, in case you spot him here in Argentina (these streets are small, you know).


Chile homes the best luxury fly angling lodges South America has.

Let’s not go to the rich history of this sport the country holds.

You will never stop talking of the diversity of the region, from catching a giant salmon or trout in the day to the fantastic amenities and nightlife when darkness befalls.

Patagonia still falls among the precious spots this country offers to anglers who want their dreams to come true in its waters.

Most waters here are pristine and untouched, combined with the catch-and-release and barbless rules, the fly angling experience in Chile is world-class.


Iceland is one of the top 12 fly fishing countries in the world, and you can call it the land of ice and fire.

Volcano landscapes, endless tundra, ice fields, waterfalls, rivers, and rock are mesmerizingly beautiful.

Fishery offerings in the country are diverse with anglers targeting sea-run brownies, normal brown trout, arctic char, and Atlantic salmon.

The island boasts three oceans and seas constantly crashing its shores in the east, north, and south.

Travelling fly anglers enjoy the stark landscapes full of glaciers, active, and dormant volcanoes.

Imagine such backdrops as you lay that line flat on the water awaiting your new friend to rise up to you.


Canada is sought after by most anglers, as it is impressive to the intrepid novice and skilled expert alike.

Anglers who come here derive joy from fly fishing and immersing themselves in the majestic environment.

Western Canada homes the best trout fly fishing experiences in Alberta and B.C.

Trout is the most popular species fly anglers target.

Areas like Ontario and Manitoba don’t disappoint either.

Come to Canada prepared to catch lake trout, northern pike, walleye, and smallmouth bass.


Fly fishing in England is a daily activity among some anglers here, as the waters yield all-year-round.

Devon’s Dartmoor offers the best mid-moor base for anglers to explore the stretches of water full with wild trout, salmon, and sea trout.

The fast and slow waters will test your patience and skills, so come prepared.

River Tyne offers all year fishing for salmon, but the peak season is February to May.

The 280 acres of land where the Esthwaite Water lake sits allows for endless fishing for the beginner and seasoned pro.

If you’ve heard about F.M Halford, you probably know his association with River Test as he tried dry fly fishing for salmon and Atlantic brown trout downstream.


Although a state of the US we think Alaska is an angler’s dream, and I hope you wake up here one day.

Anglers in the lower 48 can’t stop drooling at the idea of wetting their lines in Alaska’s final frontier.

The fishing is extraordinary and landscapes incredible.

The fly man who loves solitude will not hesitate to adventure in its isolated wilderness.

We are talking about the Kasilf, Kenai, and Russian rivers, Lake Creek, Quartz Creek, and other gems.

Expect to catch rainbow trout, grayling, rougheye, silvergray, redstripe, and different salmon species.

Be aware of bears roaming the wild, thus packing a can of spray to deter them will be ideal.

Get a guide or a companion to fish with you in the Alaskan wilderness because losing your way here isn’t a joke.


Imagine travelling to a country in search of its 31,000 lochs, 6,160 miles of the coastline, and 11 primary rivers.

Scotland it is – an angler’s paradise!

Whether you want to test your streamers chasing trout or see how far you can go with Atlantic salmon, this country has everything.

As one of the top 12 fly fishing countries in the World, the rawness of the natural world here will fascinate you.

Idyllic hidden lochs, highland rivers, and the tranquility the waters offer are among the things a fly angler will love about the place.

Check out the Tummel, Lomond, and Limestone lochs, Galloway, Borders, Ness River, Craufurdland fishery, and the big 4 rivers in the East Coast.


Norway is one of the fly fishing destinations that doesn’t need an introduction.

As a Scandinavian country, it is a salmon and trout haven.

Comb the coast for sea trout, the rivers for native brownies, and the salts for massive Atlantic salmon.

Most streams and rivers linking the land and sea contain their wild self-supporting sea trout.

Rivers furtherly north have the best hard-fighting sea-run arctic char, sea trout, and salmon.

Check out locations like Laksefjordvidda, Nordmarka, Hardangervidda, Hemsedal, River Gaula, and Surna, Glomma.


It has been a sad affair for Russia, worse of all, the war struck after the pandemic when the masses hadn’t recovered.

Even with the tensions, we hope that it won’t be the end of fly fishing and other recreational activities in this country.

The country is home to the Disneyland of fly fishing in Kamchatka area.

The rivers, climate, and landscapes make it favorable for trout and salmon fly fishing.

Zhupanova is Kamchatka’s legendary flagship waters with trophy rainbows and the fishing is surreal.

On the other coast the Kola Pennisula gives rise to the Atlantic Salmon Trust with rivers like the Ponoi and Yokanga boasting massive salmon.


I am a proud angler living in Ireland, and I didn’t include this because it is my home.

C’mon, there is so much the country offers, and the Faughan (the closest waters to me) is one of best places to cast for sea trout and salmon.

Otherwise, the country is famous for wild brownies, salmon, and Irish pike.

It boasts a massive network of loughs and rivers, making it a fly fisher’s paradise regardless of your skill level.

Adventure the Comeragh Mountains and cast in river Nire for brownies on a dry fly or nymph.

Other areas to try are the Snaa, Lough Corrib, and Royal Canal.

New Zealand

New Zealand is the mecca of fly angling, thanks to the tons of opportunities in the North and South Islands.

You can catch trophy rainbow and brown trout.

To be specific, some parts in the Northern Island offer the purest brown trout strain worldwide.

Isn’t it a lifetime opportunity to hook such?

The diversity and quality of freshwater species in this location are medicine to the fly angling purist.

You can hook trout averaging 3-4 pounds, which most anglers hardly catch in other locations.


Dozens of areas with fantastic opportunities exist, but these are the top 12 fly fishing countries in the World for the money.

Besides finding the best waters to catch, massive common fish, new fascinating species, and fantastic weather for the fly action, you will enjoy the beautiful scenery or different areas you choose from the list.

Be mindful while planning your trip to any country you choose.

Get an updated map, know the rules and regulations of waters you want to fish.

Above all, respect the people there and conserve the environment.

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